Its already another P-day?! When did that happen? its really scaring me because the weeks are going by super fast and I know these last few weeks are going to fly by! This week we had a Zone Training Meeting and My companion and I had to give a training to the zone.
Zone conference.
Love these sweet Sisters.
We talked about a Talk in the September Liahona by Elder Clarke of the Seventy. He said a young man came to him shortly after reurning from his mission. "Elder Clarke, I need help. I loved my mission. I changed me. However, I am losig some of those sacred and special feeligs that I felt in the mission field. What can I do to feel like I felt in the mission field?" Elder Clarke says, "What he was asking was, "What can I do to be happy, feel the Holy Ghost, and be close to the Savior? This is a question we all should ask every day."
He gives many ways to answer this question, which all had to do with service. Thinking about other rather than worrying about ourselves. I know that as I have been on my mission the happiest i've been is when I am helping someone else feel God's love for them.
Elder Clarke continues on with a story about when a man was traveling his car broke down and he pulled over to the nearest gas station and in the distance saw a lady that was sitting by the gas pump crying. He walked over to her and saw that she had a packed car with luggage and things from her house and kids in the back seat. She looked as if she had not slept in days. He proceeded to fill up her car with gas, bought her a weeks supply of groceries and gave her a big hug and offered a prayer of safety to send her on her way. As he walked to his car, the woman asked, "Are you like an angel or something?" The man replied, "Sometimes God uses regular people." We all are but regular people trying to live right and follow Jesus Christ's example. And as we do so we can be a BIG influence in the lives of others without really even knowing it. I know that there are people out there that need a lift up, they need a smile, and a comforting recognition that somewhere out there loves them. I am so grateful for the time that I have to spend here sharing God's love for His children of Korea. I am a regular person, I have many weaknesses and I am far from perfect, but God trusts each one of us to help build His Kingdom.
happy reunion to us.
My sweet first companion in Suncheon. Sister Teekiu
This past week when we have visited Members, we asked Sister Haddock to chose one of her favorite scriptures to share with the members. We have been sharing Alma 26:30.
"And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some."
Being on a mission is not easy. We suffer many "afflictions" of many kinds, but the joy that we can experience when we save that ONE SOUL is beyond words that can describe. Everytime we go out for the day, I repeat in my head or out loud "ONE SOUL". If we can just find that one soul of the day, then we did our best. And Heavenly Father is proud that we did all that we could to find that ONE SOUL. If we did happen to find it that day, than that ONE SOUL is me. I have come this far and have become fully converted to this gospel. I love this gospel and my mission and everything that I have learned and experienced with my whole heart.
Beautifying our lovely selfs.
Happy together.
I love you all so much and hope you too can enjoy and experience the joy that comes when you find that ONE SOUL, whether it be YOU or someone else. Always remember that "Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us. It is our fear, doubt, and sin that, like an umbrella, block these blessings from reaching us." Sorry this email is kind of all over the place! Hope you have a great week and recognize those blessings everyday and find that ONE SOUL.
아이 럽 유~~~
태너 자매
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